Primary Election Day:

Tuesday, May 20

Polls open 7:00 AM - 8:00 pm

We are a group of like-minded neighbors who understand how vital local government is to the preservation of our democracy. We organize in support of our local Democratic leadership and progressive candidates throughout our community. We are fighting to elect representatives who are committed to putting people over profits and are passionate advocates for change.

We are the Towamencin Democrats.

this is how we show up.

  • From door-knocking to fundraising to phone-banking, our local candidates need a strong support system of local volunteers to get out the vote and get our community to the polls.

    Fill out our volunteer form to let us know how you’d like to help & stay tuned for opportunities to join us!

  • We need voices of every age, gender, color, and background to ensure our government is a true representation of our community. It is essential that we take every opportunity we can to raise our voices if we want to see real progressive change in our neighborhood!

  • Be sure to follow us - as well as our local reps and candidates - on social media! Liking, commenting, and sharing their content is a huge help in building up local campaigns. Facebook + Twitter